Saturday, September 24, 2011

Contemplating a Giveaway

I have had the idea of a giveaway weighing on my heart for quite some time.  I want to give something to a mother who has or has lost a baby boy. But I do not know what. I'm sure my mother and/or I could make something simple and sweet to give away.  I need help with ideas though.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


We are starting to do coasters now. The measurements are 4x4 and the design is up to you.  If the design is simple (nothing that needs to be special ordered), a set of 4 is $12. If the materials have to be special ordered, we will figure up the price and then let you know before you place an order.

Thanks!! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Go Hogs Go!! WPS!!

Woo Pig Sooie!!! We are "Hog Wild"

I am so happy for my mom selling this before it was even completed!! I'm also excited about doing more Razorback stuff for our customers.  Sometimes I wish I lived in another state, but when it comes to football season, I am reminded of why I love Arkansas so much!! We are a close state and we are proud of what we do as a state.  

Updates & Requests

As soon as we get everyone's money ($50 minimum) we are going to send off for the cups, totes, and watches.  I apologize for any inconvenience that the time extensions have caused.  Also since football season has started, a lot of merchandise (mainly watches) that we once had on the Facebook page are not available anymore. 

Also, we want to know what you want to see more of. Anything that we can make or anything that we can order. You are the customer, you make the decision. Some have wanted to see boys stuff.  If you have anything in mind, let us know and we will search for it. 

We have decided against doing Fall Fest this year due to financial complications.  Bills, bills, bills.  We are currently working on orders as they come in and are excited to see what is requested next.  We have several magnetic memory boards that we need to sell. So if you are interested visit our page. Thank you all for your patience and your business. We appreciate all of the support that we are receiving.  Keep making those recommendations. You never know what it could earn you!! :)

Thanks!!! :)